Mã tin: 1584675
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Cảm biến quang điện LEUZE PRKL-8/24.91-S12

Chủ nhật, 02/03/2025, 17:53
Giá: 1
Địa chỉ: 102 Nguyễn xí, Phường 26, Bình Thạnh

Mô tả chi tiết:

Cảm biến quang điện LEUZE
Model: PRKL-8/24.91-S12
Công nghệ tự căn chỉnh giúp phát hiện chính xác
Điều chỉnh độ nhạy dễ dàng với chiết áp nhiều vòng
Thiết kế chắc chắn, hoạt động bền bỉ trong môi trường khắc nghiệt
Phạm vi hoạt động: 0 – 19m
Nguồn sáng: Laser đỏ, cấp 2 (IEC/EN 60825-1:2014)
Điện áp cung cấp: 10 – 30V DC
Tần số chuyển mạch: 2.800 Hz
Thời gian phản hồi: 0,18ms
Cấp bảo vệ: IP67 & IP69K
Kết nối: Đầu nối M12, 5 chân
» Công ty TNHH TM Kỹ Thuật Âu Châu ( EUTC )
» Website: eutc.com.vn
» Zalo: + 84 908 572 749
» Email: info@eutc.com.vn
Các sản phẩm Leuze mà EUTC đang cung cấp:
301268817590 LEUZE; P/N: 301268817590; MFR: KHS
4NO-22E Sensor Leuze IS 230MM/4NO-22ELoại dây 2m
50003186 Gương cảm biến TK60
50020833 Sensor mounting BT 95
50029881 Cảm biến PRK 96M/R-1858-25
50030077 Sensor Photoelectric/IPRK 18/A L.4
50032798 Photocell PRK 18/24 DL.46
50036360 Cảm biến quang PRK 8/44-S12
50037134 Photoelectric sensor, PRK 8/66.41-S12; P/N: 50037134; MFR: LEUZE
50038449 Energetic diffuse sensor RT 618/4-200-S12/ Successor ET328.3/4P-M12, PN: 50122726
50038450 Photocell PRK-618/4-S12
50040278 Photoelectric sensor, IPRK 18/A L.46; P/N: 50040278; MFR: LEUZE
50040820 Reflector TKS 40X60
50061452 Photocell PRK 96M/P-3380-41
50080153 Photocell
50080760 Cảm biến PRK 96M/P-1838-41
50081283 Reflector TKS 20X40
50082121 Evaluation unit
50103072 reflective photoelectric sensor ; P/N: 50103072; MFR: Leuze
50103364 Sensor LSEU 18/24-S12; P/N: 50103364; MFR: Leuze
50103365 Sensor LSSU 18/24-S12; P/N: 50103365; MFR: Leuze
50104393 Photoelectric sensor, RPK 46B/44.01-S12; P/N: 50104393; MFR: LEUZE
50104614 Optical distance sensor ODSL 96K/V66.1-2300-S12
50105153 Reflector TKS 50X50.1
50106547 Reflective light barrier HRT 46B/66 - S12
50106559 Photo Sensor HRTR 46B/66-S-S12; P/N: 50106559; MFR: LEUZE
50107245 Cảm biến điểm home thanh lùa lon
50108361 Optical distance sensor ODSL 8/C66-500-S12, P/N: 50108361; P/N: 50108361; MFR: Leuze
50109257 Reflector Sensor LEUZE 00000003
50109617 Photocell Leuz RK 72/4-200 L.2
50109712 Sensor từ IS 230MM/4NO-10E; P/N: 50109712; MFR: LEUZE
50109720 Inductive switch 230MM/4N0-22E
50110792 Forked photoelectric sensor GS 04M/P-20-S8; P/N: 50110792; MFR: Leuze
50112010 Reflector P.E.Cell assembly
50112066 Photoelectric sensor, ODS 96B M/V6.01-600- S12; P/N: 50112066; MFR: LEUZE
50112142 Photo Sensor TK BR 53; P/N: 50112142; MFR: LEUZE
50114032 Sensor HRTR 46B/6.22-S12
50114036 Photo Sensor HRTR 46B/L.221-S12; P/N: 50114036; MFR: LEUZE
50114884 Photoelectric sensor, PRKL 53/6.42-S8.3; P/N: 50114884; MFR: LEUZE
50117361 Photocell - PRK18B.T2/PX-M12
50117363 Sensor Photoelectric/PRK18B.T2/4P-M12
50117365 Photocell Leuz PRK18B.T2/4X-M12
50117375 Photocell Leuz 50117375
50117379 Photocell Retroreflective RK18B.T2/4P-M12
50117383 Sensor Photoelectric Leuz 50117363
50117583 Reflector MTKS 50x50.1
50117705 Polarized Retro-Reflective Photoelectric Sensor PRK5/4P; P/N: 50117705; MFR: LEUZE
50122695 Photocell PRK328.3/4P-M12
50122726 Energetic diffuse sensor ET328.3/4P-M12/ Replaced for RT 618/4-200-S12, PN: 50038449
50127012 Photocell Leuz PRK46C/4P-M12
50127015 Photocell PRK46C.1/4P-M12
50127021 Photoelectric sensor PRK46C/4W-M12 ; P/N: 50127021; MFR: LEUZE
50127024 PHOTOCELL REFLEC PRK46C.D/4P-M12; P/N: 50127024; MFR: Leuze
50127028 Photocell PRK46C.D1/PX-M12
50127048 Cảm biến quang HT46C/4-M12
50127426 Photocell
50129139 Cảm biến khuếch tán ET328I-400F.3/2N-M12
50129377 Photoelectric sensor HT3C/4P-200-M12; P/N: 50129377; MFR: LEUZE
50129381 Diffuse sensor with background suppression, HT3C.S/4P-200-M12; P/N: 50129381; P/N: 50129381; MFR: LEUZE
50129388 Cảm biến; P/N: 50129388; MFR: Leuze
50129403 Sensor Photoelectric Leuz PRK3CA34TM8
50129413 Photoelec Sensor PRK3CL1.A3/4T-200-M12; P/N: 50129413; MFR: LEUZE
50129751 Diffuse sensor with background suppression HT46CI/4P-200-M12
50130854 Connection cable KD U-M8-4A-P1-020
50130862 Connection cable KD U-M8-3W-V1-050; P/N: 50130862; MFR: Leuze
50134287 Sensor Leuz/PRK25C.D/4P-M12
50134291 Photoelectric sensor PRK20C.D/2N-M12 ; P/N: 50134291; MFR: LEUZE
50134295 Polarized retro-reflective photoelectric sensor; PRK25C.D1/4P-M12; P/N: 50134295; MFR: Leuze
50134298 PRK25C.D1/4P-200-M12
50135129 Connection cable; P/N: 50135129; MFR: Leuze
50136249 Diffuse sensor with background suppressionHT3C.S/2N-200-M12; P/N: 50136249; P/N: 50136249; MFR: LEUZE
50136265 Reflective photoelectric sensor,PRK3C.T3/PT-M8PN: 50136265; P/N: 50136265; MFR: Leuze
50143278 Photocell Leuz - HT3CI.X/4P-200-M12
50143653 Photocell Retroreflective
50145441 Photocell Leuz / Set HT3CIX4P200M12BTX003M572
50146167 SENSOR: GS04B/P.1-80-M8.3,50146167
50148134 Reflector mounting BT 346M.5-180
520151 Sensor connection module; P/N: 520151; MFR: Leuze
547954 Safety Relay; P/N: 547954; MFR: LEUZE
547958 Safety relay; P/N: 547958; MFR: Leuze
66002300 Bộ phát thiết bị an toàn nhiều chùm ánh sáng MLD300-T4L
66065300 Bộ phát thiết bị an toàn nhiều chùm ánh sáng MLD330-R4LM
66500100 Gương phản xạ; P/N: 66500100; MFR: LEUZE
66500200 Deflecting mirror MLD-M003, ; P/N: 66500200; MFR: Leuze
66502000 Cảm biến quang, MLD500-T1L; P/N: 66502000; MFR: LEUZE
66536000 Cảm biến quang, MLD510-R1L; P/N: 66536000; MFR: LEUZE
66568100 Cảm biến thu phát; P/N: 66568100; MFR: LEUZE
66568200 Multiple light beam safety device transceiver MLD530-RT3M;; P/N: 66568200; MFR: Leuze
68000412 Transmitter Safety Leuz 68000412
68000415 Thanh đèn an toàn (bộ phát) LEUZ00000224; P/N: 68000415; MFR: Leuze
68002415 Thanh đèn an toàn (bộ thu) LEUZ00000213; P/N: 68002415; MFR: Leuze
68003412 Safety Receiver Leuz 68003412
68090409 Transmitter Safety Leuz 68090409
68091409 Safety Receiver Leuz 68091409
7483440017 PHOTO ELECTRIC SENSOR PRK 18/4 DL.4 7483440017, LEUZE 00000025
7-483-44-001-7 Cảm biến quang
7483440018 ASI SENSOR ELECTRONIC, IPLK 18/A L4 7483440018
7-483-44-001-8 Cảm biến quang
AC-SCM1 Local Interface
BPS348ISM100 Bar code positioning system (50124983)
CPM500/2V Multiple light beam safety device transmitter
CPRT500/2-ML09/R2 Multiple light beam safety device receiver
GS-04M/P-30-S8 Sensor
HRT46B/66-S12 Light sensor P/N:50106547
HRTR-3B/44-L-200-S12 Light Sensor P/N:50124155
HT3C.XL/4P-200-M12 Diffuse sensor with background suppression
HT46C/4P-M12 Photocell PN 50127048
HT46CI/2N-M12 Diffuse sensor with background suppression
HT46CI/4P-M12 Diffuse sensor with background suppression
IPKR-1S/AL.46 Cảm biến Leuzue
IPRK-18/A-L.4/50030077 Photocell (ASI)
LE46C/4P-M12 Photoelectric sensor Type: LE46C/4P-M12; P/N: 50127033; MFR: Leuze
LEUZ00000129 Photo Electric Sensor GS 04M/P-80-S8; P/N: LEUZ00000129; MFR: LEUZE
LS46C.8-M12 Photoelectric sensor Type: LS46C.8-M12; P/N: 50127045; MFR: Leuze
LSER46B/66-S12 Throughbeam photoelectric sensor receiver Model: LSER 46B/66-S12; P/N: 50108532; MFR: Leuze
MLC300T40-900 Transmitter Safety PN 68090409
MLC310R40-900 Safety Receiver PN 68091409
MLC500T30-150 Curtain Light Leuz MLC500T30150
MLC520R30-150 Curtain Light Leuz MLC520R30150
MLD530-RT3M Sensor Safety Leuz MLD530RT3M
MS348 CONNECTION UNIT (50116471)
ODS9L2.8/LAK-450-M12 Optical distance sensors Model: ODS9L2.8/LAK-450-M12; P/N: 50137818; MFR: LEUZE
PRK18/24DL.46 Photocell PN 50032798
PRK-18/4-DL.4 Photocell
PRK18/4DL4 Photo Electric Sensor
PRK18/4-DL4 Cảm biến quang P/N: 50080153
PRK-18/4-DL4 Photo electric senor
PRK184-DL.4 Photoelectric Sensor
PRK18B.T2/4P-M12 Sensor Type: PRK18B.T2/4P-M12; P/N: 50117363; MFR: Leuze
PRK18B.T2/PX-M12 Photocell Leuz
PRK25/66.41-S12 Photoelectric sensor
PRK25B/66.31.03-S12 Cảm biến quang điện
PRK-25B/66.31.03-S12 Reflector PE assemly P/N: 50112010
PRK-25B/66.31-S12 Cảm biến quang PRK 25B/66.31-S12
PRK25C.A2/2N-M12 Photoelectric sensor
PRK25C.A2/4P-M12 Photoelectric sensor
PRK25C.D1/2N-M12 Polarized retro-reflective photoelectric sensor
PRK25C.D1/4P-M12 Polarized retro-reflective photoelectric sensor
PRK3B/66-S8 Polarized retro-reflective photoelectric sensor Part no.: 50104694
PRK3C.T3/6T-M8 Photoelectric Sensor
PRK3C/6G-M8 Polarized retro-reflective photoelectric sensor
PRK46B/44.01-S12 Cảm biến quang điện P/N:50104383
PRK-46B/44.01S12 Photocell 50 18000 mm; Polarized retroreflective
PRK-46B/44.01-S12 Photo electric senor
PRK46C.1/4-M12 Cảm biến quang
PRK46C.D1/PX-M12 Photocell Leuz PRK46CD1PXM12
PRK-8/44-S12 Photocell Sensor 10 - 30 VDC
PRK96M/P-1838-21 Photocell PN 50029880
RKR-3B/6.42-SB Cảm biến quang
RT618/4-200-S12 Sensor Diffuse Leuz RT6184200S12
TKS40X60 Reflector PN 50040820
TKS-40X60.1 Reflector P/N: 50109257
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